суббота, 26 мая 2012 г.

Insectivorous plants.

Dionaea muscipula.
Дионея, венерина мухоловкаFamily: Rosyankovye, Droseraceae.Origin: North America.Flowering time: From May to July.This is the only species in the genus. Dioneo - is a perennial herbaceous carnivore with short stem and blossom inconspicuous white flowers in the inflorescence at the highest spike. For seeds, pollinate flowers should manually. The leaves are oblong, consisting of two wings at the edges of which are teeth. On the surface of these plates are sensitive hairs that respond to the victim and give the command to a collapse of the trap. After closing the trap, juice stands and begins the process of digestion, which, depending on the size of the insect can last from several days to several weeks. Each trap srabatyvet several times (about 4-7 times) and then dies. By the winter of Venus flytrap falls in the period of rest stops their growth and give the impression that she was killed. Dried leaves and gently remove the water plant, spring, she will go back into growth.
Lighting: Bright light from direct sun should pritenyat.Watering: The soil should always be moist to prevent drying. Watered with soft water, rain or distilled. Every month a little fertilizing.Temperature: In the summer of 22-27 ° C, but not above 35 ° C. In the winter 3-7 ° C.Humidity: High humidity is 70-90%.Propagation: division, leaf cuttings and seeds at a temperature of 20-21 ° C.Diseases, Pests: Aphids, spider mites, gray mold, black sooty mold and bacterial damage - this is when the trap can not digest the insect is caught, and begins to decompose.

The only species included in the genus, called Darlington California - D. californica, grows on the marshes of California. Transformed into the trap leaves Darlington get ready for an attack reminiscent of a cobra with a swollen neck. Attracted by the smell of insect secreted fall into the trap drives, of which no longer can get out. They dissolve in the digestive juices, and the plant receives the necessary nutritional substances. But it is as if an additional dish, the main flow through the root system. Very beautiful yellowish or reddish-brown flowers on long stems appear in June. Darlington adapt to room conditions is very difficult. Best of all, it survives in a special greenhouse boxes, protected from low temperatures, with moss or leaves. Stay in the dark period of rest does not harm them. The best substrate for them was an ordinary peat.
Accommodation. From light to the sun. Summer must be protected from direct rays solnchnyh. In winter, kept at low temperatures, but not in the cold.Watering. Since this plant bog, it should be watered very abundantly, and best of all to dig into a pot of moist peat or put on the stand in a bowl with water, and often to irrigate.used only to defend, soft water. During the period of rest is almost watered.Razmnozhenie.Razmozhayut seeds that at home it is very difficult. Better in the spring by division.

Pinguicula vulgaris.
Жирянка обыкновеннаяPerennial herb 5-15 cm tall. The light green leaves are collected in a small rosette.
The flowers are bright blue-violet with velvety hairs on the throat and bilabiate with a sharp spur.
Has adaptations for attracting, catching and digesting insects, similar to those described for zhiryanki Alpine.
It inhabits the tundra and forest zone and tundra, alpine mountains and the forest belt o
f the northern hemisphere.
In Murmansk the usual raw plant locations, margins of swamps, shores of lakes, rivers, and keys. It occurs in all zones and belts. Blooms in late June, in July.
Flower wrong (zygomorphic) - a flower with bilateral symmetry type.
Corolla bilabiate - spaynolepestny crown, fused petals that form a two lips, upper and lower.

Nepenthes ventrata.
Непентес ventrataFamily. Nepentesovye, Nepenthaceae.Background: Areas of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, Ceylon, Sumatra, Borneo, Malaysia, the Philippines.Flowering time. The culture is rare.Nepenes ventrata - it is a mountain plant up to 4m in length, has a large number of varieties. This nepenthe may be contained in the "intermediate conditions", ie it can contain both mountain and plains as a plant. Pitchers have different colors - red, green-spotted, striped, as well as a diversity of forms. This kind nepenthe easiest to keep.
Soil. The soil should be loose and contain fibrous peat, sphagnum moss with the addition of charcoal and bark (3:4:2:1). The root system is very delicate, so the extra transplants produce undesirable.Lighting. Acceptable small amount of morning sunlight, but at a constant daily sun burns the leaves and can get pitchers.Poliv.Dopuskaetsya soil drying between waterings. Fed from March to October every 10 days fertilizer for orchids. Excess nutrients in the soil inhibits the development of new jugs.Low. Day temperatures 21 - 27 ° C, and at night drop to 10-16 ° C.Humidity. Requires a lower humidity than the plain species nepenthe - 50-70%. Keep in greenhouse conditions is not necessary if spray the plant 1-2 times a day.Reproduction. Stem cuttings at a temperature of 25-27 ° C and high humidity in the water or in a mixture of sand, peat and moss, and division. Divide plants must be done with great care not to damage the roots. For this earthen room must be placed in a container with lukewarm water to clean the roots from the soil.Pests and disease. Aphid and mealybug (on Russian sites written that almost nothing is damaged, and the English-speaking people who grow nepenthes in his yard, they write that it is eaten all those who just can not).

Nepenthes ventrata red.
Непентес ventrata RedFamily. Nepentesovye, Nepenthaceae.Origin. Areas of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, Ceylon, Sumatra, Borneo, Malaysia, the Philippines.Flowering time. The culture is rare.Nepenes ventrata "Red" may be a mountain and lowland plant. Leaves about 30 cm long, green in color. Pitchers are colored red or mottled red, have pronounced central veins. There are many hybrids of this species.Soil. The soil should be loose and contain fibrous peat, sphagnum moss with the addition of charcoal and bark (3:4:2:1). The root system is very delicate, so the extra transplants produce undesirable.Lighting. Bright lights, from direct sun should pritenyat.Poliv.Pochva should always be moist to prevent drying. Watered with soft water, boiled or distilled. Fed from March to October every 10 days fertilizer for orchids. Excess nutrients in the soil inhibits the development of new jugs.
Low. In the summer of 25 - 30 ° C, it is impossible, the temperature dropped below 20 ° C. In winter, no less than 18 ° C.Humidity. Humidity 50-70%.Reproduction. Stem cuttings at 25 - 27 ° C and high humidity in the water or in a mixture of sand, peat and moss, and division. Divide plants must be done with great care not to damage the roots. For this earthen room must be placed in a container with lukewarm water to clean the roots from the soil.Pests and disease. Aphid and mealybug (on Russian sites written that almost nothing is damaged, and the English-speaking people who grow nepenthes in his yard, they write that it is eaten all those who just can not).

РосянкаFamily. Rosyankovye, Droseraceae.Origin. Europe, Asia, North and South America, Africa, Australia.Flowering time. May - August.Sundew genus includes about 160 species. The name of the plant due to a sticky liquid droplets that appear on the leaves. Sundew - a small insectivorous plant with leaves collected in the outlet. The leaves are the largest plant sundew royal (Drosera regia) can reach lengths of up to 60 cm and the smallest dwarf sundew (Drosera pygmaea) - about 1 cm flowers on long peduncles, collected in the spike inflorescence, medium-sized (about 1 cm), pink or white. Sundew live from two to ten years. The droplets are formed due to the work of glandular cells and contain various enzymes that attract insects and are involved in the digestive process. One component of the droplet is a substance that paralyzes insects captured - koniin. Insect, clinging to a drop of sundew, and begins to break out of his reach neighboring hairs sheet, the sheet is gradually phased out.Digestion of the victims of medium size is a few days. Once the process of digestion is over, leaf unfolding.
The abundance of droplets on the leaves of sundew testament to its well-being.Soil. Peat with sand or sphagnum moss (2:1); pH 4-5.Lighting: Bright light, long exposure to the sun should be avoided.Watering. A rich, earthy components should not be dry to avoid water stagnation. In winter, reduce watering, but not the substrate must be completely dry. Watered only with distilled or rain water, water for any other sundews disastrous.Humidity. Require high humidity. Keep on the pallet with a damp moss or in a tank (cage).Low. In the summer of 20-30 ° C, winter, 12-15 ° C. The temperature for the European and North American species - summer 18-20 ° C, winter 5-12 ° C, warm hibernation - is fatal.Reproduction. Dividing the bush, leaf cuttings and seeds in teplichke with high humidity.Pests, bolezni.Razlichnye types of rot.

СарраценияPreviously it grow North American carnivorous bog plant in the room was simply impossible. However, managed to bring several subspecies that are more resistant.Sarratseniya attracts the attention of long tubular traps, which are modified leaves that grow from rhizomes. Above the tower traps broad education in the form of umbrellas,the resulting expansion of the middle vein. With good care plant produces in May-Junesolitary red or red-purple flowers on long stalks.
Location. illuminated by the sun or ventilated. The plant, wintering eggs at a temperature of about 0 degrees, can stand in a dark place, such as frost-free greenhouse, covered with leaves.
Watering. always abundant, only soft water. Well immerse the pot in moist p
eat or bring it to the summer in the garden, on the shore of the reservoir and dig into the ground to the upper edge.
Reproduction. division or seeds.

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