суббота, 26 мая 2012 г.

Beautiful blooming flowers.

Роза (миниатюрная )Rosa.
Family - pink in the wild it grows everywhere.
Miniature roses - the result of mutations in Chinese roses. These dwarf (height 30 cm)plants are small, leathery leaves and fragrant flowers, simple and double, of variouscolors - from white to dark - red, gathered into small florets.
The best varieties of miniature roses are Daniel Pink, Tsvergkenig-78 dark - red, redMinima and others.
Accommodation. They need bright, sunny room. In the summer of roses it is desirable tomake the fresh air. In winter, they will suit the room light, in which the air temperatureabove 5-7 ° C.
Care. Miniature roses should be watered regularly but not excessively so, and during the summer, twice a month to feed fertilizers. The best substrate for miniature roses is agarden soil with a pH of 5.5-6.5. In the summer it is desirable to pots with peat mulch the plants or plant residues.
Pests and diseases. The main pests - aphids and spider mites. Disease - powdery mildew, downy mildew, black spot. 

Family - acanthus. Homeland - South America (Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia).Jacobine - a small shrub up to 1.2 meters to suit room conditions are two types: I red that blooms all summer and autumn, and I colored it blooms in winter and early spring.It's an unusual ornamental plants, which form at the ends of shoots bright - red or pink plumes, ending tubular flowers up to 5 cm long. The leaves are dark - big green slightly pubescent.

Accommodation. Shade plant, so it can be grown on the windows of the northern direction to place the mud near the window, creating an interesting composition. In the summer of Jacobine desirable to make the open air. The plant is not afraid of drafts. In winter the temperature in the room where the Jacobine, should not fall below 10-12 ° C.Care. Requires an even watering throughout the year. During the period of flowering plants should be sprayed, fed Jacobine fertilizers in May - October, every 15 days. 6-7 - years of age is recommended to repot the plant every year, at a later age - 2-3 years.Substrate use any.Pests and diseases. The plant suffers from scale insects and aphids. When drying of the soil the plant drops leaves coma.Reproduction. Terminal cuttings in spring. If they are planted in the heated to 20-25 ° C substrate, cuttings rooted in 2.5-3 weeks.Council. To increase the flowering, the plant should be pruned in early spring, leaving each shoot internodes 2-3. Jacobine looks great in the winter garden.

Chrysanthemum Indian.
Хризантема индийскаяFamily - Compositae. Homeland - South - East Asia.The genus Chrysanthemum has more than 140 species. A perennial, herbaceous, dekorativnotsvetuschee plant height, depending on the species, ranging from 30 to 80 cm. Chrysanthemum is valued for its richness of color and blooms in late autumn and winter. The leaves are diverse forms, colors, sizes (5 - 10 cm). The inflorescence consists of many small flowers a wide range of colors. For most flower room are adequate: robin, Dwarf, Kontiki, El Dorado, Alain, Camellia others.Accommodation. Chrysanthemums prefer a cool place and good sunlight. At high temperatures, it leaves turn yellow and fall off, so you need regular airing. Most often, chrysanthemum buying a well-developed buds and flowers and put in a bright room with a temperature of 15-18 ° C. At higher temperatures the blooms will be faster, as part of the buds and flowers may wither.Care. In the process of growth and development of watering should be moderate, do not put any excessive waterlogging coma, nor any of its drying. Weekly plant is fed with complex floral fertilizers. Young plants are transplanted each year, the old as needed.When chrysanthemum fades, the shoots are cut, transferred to pots in a cool place with a temperature of 1-3 ° C, where they are stored until spring. In the spring begin to water.New shoots can be grafted for propagation.Pests and diseases. For the most dangerous plants aphids, red spider mite. Of the diseases - powdery mildew (the result of poor care for the plant).Reproduction. Seeds, cuttings, and dividing the bush.Council. If not disclosed chrysanthemum buds, and it does not bloom, it means that the plant during its growth and development has not received the required amount of light.

ФиалкаViolets are very easy to clean. If you bought an adult violets, leaves Wash it with cold water. It is also desirable to process some violets which the drug from insects, such as "Fitoverm."LightHomeland violets - the jungle. There is no direct sun, but a lot of scattered light. In our conditions ideal for the violets north side of the window sill. Also, the violets grow well on the eastern and western window sills. If you have a south window, place the violet side of the window or inside the room on any table or shelf, where there is no direct sunlight. If the violets would be too much light, they do you "say" about it - leaves lean over the edge of the pots to get away from excessive light, flower stalks will try to hide under the leaves, the leaves will be "tan" in the form of brown spots. In these cases, violets pritenite other plants, curtains or move them inside the room.TemperatureAdults violets grow well and bloom in daytime temperatures of 18-24 degrees. Violets tolerate our winters. By lowering the temperature to 10 degrees, they only slow its growth. Also normally carry violet summer. With increasing temperature to 35 degrees they stop blooming during the summer heat.WateringWhen drying of the upper layer of violets should be watered just before getting wet clod of the earth. After half an hour to empty the water pan. Violets defended watered with water at room temperature. Location of irrigation - under the leaves.FertilizersViolets learn better feeding at an air temperature of 18-24 degrees. You can use any fertilizer for indoor plants, but at half concentration.If your violet leaves strong and weak bloom, reduce feeding.Dishes for violetsViolets grow well in any dish - ceramic, plastic, metal, wood, diameter of the pot should be 2.5-3 times smaller than the diameter of the outlet.

Sinningiya fine.
Homeland - Brazil.Under the general title "sinningiya beautiful" its numerous cultivated hybrid varieties, differing in size and color of flowers. These plants are often called tropical gloxinia.Gloxinia is one of the most beautiful and well-known house plants. This is a herbaceous perennial with short stems and large oval soft velvety leaves, dark green color. Edge of the sheet with a small rounded protrusions Phyllotaxy opposite. The soil forms a fairly large tubers.
Синнингия прекраснаяIts flowers are large, bell-shaped, the brittle stalks. Color of the corolla is the most time-ous: white, pink, red, purple, with many varieties of two-or three-color. It flowers in spring and summer flowering adult plants for 3-4 months. After flowering gradually reduce watering. In late September, when the stems and leaves die off, tubers, do not remove from pot, put in a dark cool place and watered occasionally to prevent them from wrinkling. The most favorable temperature of the winter storage of 10-12 ° C.In February - March, when starts the germination of tubers sinningiyu transplanted into the soil, consisting of equal parts of turf, leaf (or peat) and the humus of the earth with an admixture of sand. The plant requires a warm light place, pritenenie from direct sunlight, moist air and uniform watering. Make regular feeding, resulting in increased duration of flowering.At room conditions are propagated by cuttings and division leaf tuber. To fit the old establishment, the so-called matured leaves. Usually they are taken from the bushes close to flowering, from late April or later. Thus the larger the leaf, the larger the tuber is formed. Leaf petiole cut to no more than 1 cm are put into a cleansand or substrate composed of sand and peat, covered with glass and maintain humidity and temperature of 22-25 ° C. After 3-4 weeks at the end of the stem is formed tubercle, then the rooted cuttings are planted in a small pot.Sheet can instill in the water. When you see the roots of his transplanted into a pot with soil. where the formation of the tuber. During the multiplication of tubers. after the young shoots, cut, leaving each of the 01.02 flight. The cut surface disinfection sprinkled with powdered charcoal and planted in loose soil. Propagation by seed, as a more complex and time-consuming way possible in a greenhouse in the presence of ambient teplichke.The name "sinningiya beautiful" is consistent with eye-catching beauty of this plant, wafting up to us the richness of colors and shapes of tropical flora. High quality decorative combined with abundant and long flowering. Flowering sinningii with unusually large showy flowers of various colors, stand out against a dark green velvet leaves. - Decoration of any interior. In the "beauties of the world competition," occupy a leading position: they are included in the basic range of flower farms around the world.

ПлюмерияFamily - kutrovyh. Homeland - tropics and subtropics of Central and South America.This dekorativnotsvetuschee hothouse plant, a fairly large size - in nature reaches 5 m in height, in the home - about 2 mP red (Plumeria rubra) - an evergreen shrub with thick, succulent stems. Leaves on long petioles, oblong - oblong, pointed at the end, are grouped at the ends of the shoots.Leathery leaves with pronounced veins. The flowers are formed only on young branches, so the plant can be cut only with the end of flowering. Flowers in corymbose inflorescence of 15-20 pieces. Corolla of a flower pyatilepestnoy, about 5 cm in diameter.
P has a lot of red varieties of a wide range of colors: white, yellow, pink, bright - red, purple, etc. As a general rule, all sorts of corolla limb of the same color as the throat - the other. So a variety Plumeria tricolor - white petals at the base - yellow - pink blurry streaks. Shape of the petals is also different. In some varieties the petals broader ovate, with pointed tip, more or less twisted in a spiral (like a propeller), the other - an oblong shape, widening at the end and tapering at the base.Accommodation. Plumeria light-requiring, in the summer should be full sunlight, but during the hottest hours of the day will require shading. The temperature in the summer - in the range 20-25 ° C in the winter - best 16 -18 ° C, at least - 14 ° C.Care. Watering is abundant in the summer, the land should not dry up. From autumn to early spring watering is much milder, but it does not stop, even if the plant drops leaves.Likes moist air, so periodically sprayed with frangipani, but so that no water enters at the flowers. From April to September plumeriyu fed every two weeks. Use integrated fertilizer for houseplants dekorativnotsvetuschih dose recommended by the manufacturer. You can use a diluted organic fertilizer. Young plants are transplanted annually in the spring in March - April. Adult specimens - in 3-4 years, but the topsoil is better to change annually. The soil should be fertile: 2 parts clay - sod land, a portion of leaf soil, 1 part compost and 1 part sand. Good drainage is required.Pests and diseases. Plumeria poisonous plant, and therefore not afraid of pests.Remember this and you do not expose latex to the skin, and especially on mucous membranes. If this occurs, wash immediately with plenty of water for juice.Reproduction. Cuttings, cut the spring. Cuttings from the milky juice wash, sprinkle with phytohormones and rooting in the soil, consisting of 1 part leaf soil and 1 part sand, in the room when teplichke soil heating.

Плюмбаго (свинчаткаFamily - lyayumbagovyeHomeland - South Africa.
10 species are known plyumbago.
It is an evergreen shrub with dark - green leaves. Flowers are a nice dark - pink, white or blue in color, on a long stalk height of 25 - 30 cm Flowering profusely from AprilThe plant grows well indoors.
AccommodationIn the summer the plant needs bright sunlight, so it is placed on thesouthern windows, or near thembring to the fresh air. Plyumbago winter set in a cool room with 
a temperature of 7-10 ° C.
CareThe plant requires much water from spring to early autumn, and regular spraying.In winter, reduce watering, but do not allow drying of the soil in the pot. Feed the plantwith liquid fertilizer only in the spring - summer, a time in two weeks.
Pests and diseasesThe main pests - Quadraspidiotus perniciosusspider mites. The plant leaves turn brown, and it ceases to bloom when the soil dries.
ReproductionCuttings in the spring and summer.
CouncilThe plant blooms only on the young shoots, so every spring, cut the old branches.

ПахистахисFamily - acanthus. Homeland - South America.In the indoor environment is a herbaceous, dekorativnotsvetuschee plant reaches a height of 40 cm have pahistahisa ovate, slightly wrinkled dark - green leaves and beautiful spike inflorescence (length - 10 - 12 cm) with yellow or red bracts and white flowers. The main advantage of this plant is considered a long flowering period (May - September).Accommodation. Pahistahis prefers bright place, so it is usually set on the sunny windows. The plant likes a warm environment with a temperature of not lower than 18-20 ° C in summer and below 12 ° C - in the winter.Care. From spring to late autumn pahistahis need plenty of water. In winter, the plant watered much less frequently, but be sure to check if the soil does not dry com. The plant should be regularly sprayed, as it prefers moist air. During the growth, development and flowering is recommended to feed pahistahis complex mineral fertilizer 2-3 times per month. Transplants performed annually.Pests and diseases. The main pests - aphids, whiteflies and spider kpesch. From the - for lack of watering at the start pahistahisa fall off the leaves.Reproduction. Terminal cuttings with the necessary heating of the substrate up to 21-25 ° C.Council. If the pahistahisom properly care for, by the end of autumn, it will lose its decorative effect. When the plant begins to drop leaves, it must be cut severely.

МуррайяFamily - Rutaceae. Homeland - South and South - East Asia.How to cultivate a culture room only murrayyu paniculate. This is a small evergreen shrub with oval, leathery leaves, quite unpretentious as a houseplant. Flowers small white fragrant flowers, in appearance like white lilac flowers.Accommodation. Murrayya light-requiring, but it takes pritenenie during the hottest hours of summer. The best place east or south - east window. Low maintenance - moderate. In winter, contain at 15-18 ° C, at least - 12 ° C. In summer you can make in the garden or balcony.Care, much water is needed in the spring and summer, the autumn of his cut and watered sparingly in winter - the soil should dry out. Water for irrigation should be soft - rain or well-settled, you can use water, filtered or boiled household filter. Murrayya resistant to dry air, but regular spraying for her helpful, especially in the summer and winter, when the content in a room with central heating. In the spring feeding is carried out 2 times a month, a complex fertilizer for indoor crops, such as "ideal" or "Rainbow".Young plants are transplanted each year murrayi, the plants aged 4-5 years are transplanted in a year. Soil - a part of the bog lands, a part of the leaf, 1 part peat, 1 part humus and one part sand. You can use purchase generic biogrunt for houseplants.Pests and diseases. Most often subject to attack murrayya red spider mites and aphids.Reproduction. Seeds and cuttings. Cuttings root with the use of plant hormones (growth promoters) under a glass jar. Murrayya forms entirely edible fruit - red berries of about 1.5-2 cm in diameter. After ripening the fruits of their pluck, and the seeds are sown.Council. Murrayya grows well only on soils with a slightly acid reaction, nor does alkalization. Therefore, when a white bloom on the surface of the earth in the pot, the top layer of soil is necessary to remove and replace it with fresh soil. The deposition of salts derived from the soil and the water, so water should not contain lime.


МаргариткаFamily - Compositae. Motherland - Europe, Asia and Africa.Perennial herb 30-35 cm tall flowers from early spring until June. Flower color is the most diverse: from white, pink to carmine - red. For the decoration of rooms is grown as a biennial culture.Accommodation. It prefers full sun but tolerates free and PolutovHan. After flowering it can be taken out into the open air.Care. Daisy is a hygrophilous, so the period of growth and flowering requires abundant watering in the winter - a moderate. Systematically remove faded flowers. Feed the plant should flower fertilizer weekly.Pests and diseases. Daisies are whitefly infestation. From - to waterlogged soil on the plant appears powdery mildew and leaf spot.Reproduction. Seeds or by dividing the bushes. Seeds are sown in June and in August the seedlings are seated in the pots and put in partial shade. A minor part of the plants bloom in the fall, and the bulk - in the spring of next year.Council. Daisy is very attractive in the interior, with the bright flowers she will decorate a small group of ornamental plants.

Ландыш майскийFamily - Liliaceae. Motherland - Europe, Asia, North America.A perennial plant with oval leaves and brush white flowers, emitting a delicate fragrance.Lily gives in forcing, we can make it blossom in the room during the winter and spring.Accommodation. With the advent of vygonochnyh shoots (5 - 7 cm), lilies of the valley put in a warm (18-20 ° C) and bright room, it is best protected from the sun on the window sill. It accelerates the growth of the flower arrows, and the buds begin to slowly unfold. For a long blooming lilies bloom is desirable to move to a cooler room with a temperature of 8-12 ° C.Care. For winter forcing the fall of the most developed root lilies are placed in small plastic box with holes, sprinkled turf, watered and set in a cool dark place. In order to achieve an ab
undant flowering, a box for a week put in the refrigerator with a temperature of 5-6 ° C. To get flowers for Christmas or New Year's roots in the 12-16 hours immersed in warm water with a temperature of 25-30 ° C and then immediately planted 5-6 pieces with a conventional flower pots substrate. Planted sunflowers put in a warm, dark room with a temperature of 25-30 ° C, covered with moss, and are often sprayed with water. When the flower shoots reached 7 cm pots make the room. After flowering rootstocks used discarded.Pests and diseases. Of the disease is most common gray mold, which appears with an excess of moisture in the substrate.Reproduction. Sprouts, protruding from underground rhizomes. Planting is carried out in the fall. For the distillation, they will be ready in 2-3 years.Council. Lily of the valley's worst enemy - the sun. Under its rays of leaves and flower arrows wither and dry up.

КолокольчикFamily - kolokolchmkovye. Motherland - the Mediterranean countries.In the indoor environment to grow, ravnolistny. This is a low (20 - 25 cm) plant with a small light - green leaves on long (50 cm), branching stems. Since mid-summer to late autumn bloom blue or white flowers, bell-shaped. Common name of this plant - "the groom and bride
." Looks good as a basket plant.Accommodation. Bluebell prefers bright, sunny, well-ventilated area. In the summer, it is desirable to make it to the fresh air and on hot days pritenyat. In autumn, after flowering, the bell pruned for the winter set in a bright, cool room with a temperature of 8-10 ° C.Care. In the flowering period in May - October, requires much water, especially on hot days. In winter, the dormant period - limited. In the summer a weekly flower plant feed fertilizers. In the spring of the bell should be transplanted into the nutrient water - and air-permeable substrate, which contains a large amount of humus and is slightly alkaline.Pests and diseases. Cause great harm to the bells and spider kpeschi Quadraspidiotus perniciosus. As a result of improper maintenance on the plant develops gray mold.Reproduction. Dividing the bush, terminal cuttings or seeds to be sown in January, take root cuttings in February or March in coarse-grained sand.

Клеродендрум ТомсонаFamily - Verbenaceae. Motherland - the tropics of Africa.Klerodendrum - the original climbing plant with beautiful green leaves. Its stems reach a height of 3 m flowers large, sepals are white and the petals - a bright - red. It flowers in summer and autumn.Accommodation. Prefers bright, warm room with high humidity. Place the plant near the eastern or south - east window, directing it shoots up the pole. In the 
growing room kperodendruma stems can pinch to make the plant bush form. Then the plant is set in spacious rooms, in offices around the windows.Care. In the summer of kperodendrumu need abundant watering and frequent spraying the leaves. Feed plants weekly complete mineral fertilizer. In the winter klerodendrum clears leaves, so it is set in a bright, cool room with a temperature of 8-10 ° C and limit irrigation. In early spring klerodendrum carefully transplanted into a larger pot with good drainage and place on a sunny window. Long and weak shoots cut.Pests and diseases. Most often, the plant is affected beetle. From - for dry air buds and flowers may crumble.Reproduction. Cuttings in the spring.Council. For fatal klerodendruma very dry air, so in December - March, must move the plant in a cool room with a temperature of not higher than 12 ° C.

Клематис (ломонос)
Family - Ranunculaceae Motherland - Europe, Asia and North America.Climbing perennial. Thin branches with delicate leaves and beautiful white, blue, pink, purple or red flowers (up to 10 cm in diameter). Clematis Flowers on the growth in the spring of this year, in May - June.For indoor flower best suited to, zhakmana to rupnotsvetkovy, K, appina, whips do not exceed 2 - 3 pm They are used for vertical gardening. Especially good are the balconies, verandas, balconies and winter garden.Accommodation. The plant prefers light, but protected from direct sunlight. In the summer the plant is desirable to make the fresh air. In the winter clematis is set in a cool room with a temperature of 5-7 ° C.
Care. In the summer the plant will not prevent much water. At least once a month Clematis fed complex fertilizers. For the good of the plant needed support in the form of cords, wires, thin sticks. In the winter clematis is set in a cool place and very rarely watered, but see to it that is not dried earthen room. Transplanted plant through the year in the substrate flower.Pests and diseases. The plant is affected red mite. From - to waterlogged soil climbers there are various spots.Reproduction. Poluzrelymi cuttings, which are cut in summer and once rooted in the substrate with a temperature of 25-26 ° C.Council. Clematis responds well to the substrate to make a small amount of lime.

КатарантусFamily - kutrovyh. Homeland - the island of Madagascar.Katarantus - indoor plant with dark - green leaves and large (up to 5 cm in diameter), pink, white or purple flowers, very similar to the vinca flowers. Blossoms katarantus from May to October. In the winter garden plant reaches 1.5 m Some fans cultivate it as an annual.
Accommodation. Katarantus prefers bright, warm room. In the summer the plant is desirable to make the fresh air and installed so as to be protected from the rain. In the winter katarantus must be in a cool, bright room with a temperature of 10-12 ° C.Care. Requires abundant watering and fertilizing twice a month, complex mineral fertilizers. To increase the humidity of the plant should be sprayed with water from the sprinkler. To increase the flowering, the main shoots katarantus the spring clip on the third length. Young plants are recommended to repot every two years.Pests and diseases. The plant is affected by aphids, sometimes beetle. From - for improper care on the plant, there are various spots.Reproduction. Cuttings in summer, in July - August.

Калла (зантедеския, белокрыльник)
Family - Araceae. Motherland - the subtropics of South Africa.The genus is named after the Italian botanist of XIX century. - F. Zantedeski. People found the name "calla". There are 6 types of tuberous perennial herbs, distributed in the subtropics of South Africa.Flowering bulbous perennial herb. The leaves are bright - green, glossy, arrow-shape.Flower stems reach 40 - 60 cm and end inflorescence cob, wrapped in a bract (the veil).Accommodation. Bright diffused light, partial shade. It is best grown in the eastern and western windows.Care. In the summer of copious irrigation (in the pan should be water), after flowering, watering is stopped or severely restricted. Temperature: 8-10 ° C in winter, in summer 15-18 ° C. We recommend frequent spraying (avoid contact with water on the blankets of flowers). Transplantation - annually in late summer. Flat heavy tubers are removed from the pots and stored in winter in a cool, dry place. In February - March, again, planted in pots with soil nutrient and exhibited at the windows. The composition of the mixture of land: turf ground - ground sheet - sand (1:3:1), pH: slightly acid, neutral. Can be grown hydroponically. Feeding: Spring - Summer - 1 every 2 weeks with mineral and organic fertilizers, winter - autumn - without feeding.Pests and diseases. Affected kpeschem spider, beetle, aphids. If a strong drying of the soil leaves turn yellow, die. In sharp fluctuations in air temperature almost no blooms.

ЖасминFamily - olive. Homeland - tropical and subtropical regions of India, Africa and America.In the culture room, there are several species of jasmine - evergreen shrub with white, pink and yellow flowers. The most common M, loliantovy (mnogotsvetnpvy) F, Sambzk.In the winter garden sprouts F, polyanthus can reach 5 m, so the plant should be cut annually. It flowers from June to September. White flowers F, sambac for a few pieces collected in the carpal inflorescences. It flowers from March to October.Accommodation. The plant, sun, so it is set on the windowsill of the southern or south - west window. Adult plants can be placed on stands near one of these windows. To heat the plant is not demanding, it grows well and blooms in the room as the temperature 20-22 ° C, and at a little lower temperatures. Do not tolerate drafts.
Care. In the summer jasmine essential abundant watering and frequent spraying. During the period of flowering plants fed with a solution of organic and mineral fertilizer every 10 days. To bloom was abundant in the spring and remove the weak shorten long shoots.Young plants are transplanted each year, the old - every 2-3 years in a mixture of turf, leaf and peaty land in the ratio 1:1:1.Pests and diseases. For Quadraspidiotus perniciosus pernicious plants, thrips and aphids. When drying of earthen clod with yellow jasmine and the leaves are falling.Reproduction. Cuttings, the best in the spring. They are well rooted in the sand and the water in the pot.Council. With good care F, sambac can bloom all year long.

ГименокаллисFamily - Amaryllidaceae. Homeland - South America.In nature, there are about 50 species. Many species, widely spread as a bedroom culture differ somewhat in terms of content. Most of them do not lose leaves for a period of rest.• T kyaribskhmy (Hymenocallis caribaea) - perennial bulbous plant. The bulb is about 10 cm in diameter, completely underground. Leaves narrow-lanceolate shape, dark - green, up to 90 cm and a width of about 7 cm long leafless Peduncles about 50 - 60 cm, umbellate inflorescence of 3-5 flowers. Perianth connate at the base with six lobes radiating long (up to 7 cm) strips. Stamens, fused at the half-length, form a sort of corona daffodil. Anthers dark - orange. The flowers are fragrant. It flowers all winter.
• G, nice, he's Mr., early, (Hymenocallis festal is) - a perennial bulbous plant. The bulb is about 10 cm in diameter, about 2/3 immersed into the substrate. Leaves remnevidnoy shape, dark - green, up to 40 cm and a width of about 7 cm long leafless Peduncles about 70 cm, umbellate inflorescence of 3-5 flowers. Perianth connate at the base with six lobes, radiating long strips. Stamens, fused at the half-length, form a sort of corona daffodil. Anthers orange. The flowers are fragrant in diameter is about 10 cm. In the winter - a period of rest - the leaves die off. It flowers in July - SeptemberAccommodation. Gimenokallisy light-requiring more than the other Amaryllidaceae, and therefore only require shading during the hottest hours of summer. During the growing season optimum temperature - 17-20 ° C. During the rest gimenokallisa nice bulbs stored at 10 ° C in the dry. Species that do not shed their leaves during the dormant period, kept at a temperature of about 14 ° C.Care. The plant is abundantly watered during flowering - the soil should be kept moist.During the rest irrigation is very limited. With a lack of moisture leaves lose the prop and become lethargic. However, waterlogging is detrimental to gimenokallisa. If the plant is in a room with dry air, you can lightly sprinkle it on top. Do not spray the flowers or leaves, and bulbs during dormancy. Once h for 2-3 weeks fed liquid fertilizer for flowering houseplants, diluted at a concentration recommended by the manufacturer.Feeding start, as soon as the young leaves, and finish it when the plant bud.Transplanted 3-4 times a year during the dormant period in the substrate consisting of a 2 - piece of clay - sod land, a part of leaf, 1 part compost, 1 part peat and 1 part sand.Pests and diseases. The most common plant affect anthracnose, staganospora.Reproduction. Subsidiaries during the onion transplants, seeds. Since the kids reluctant gimenokallis forms, it is often propagated by fission onion into 4 pieces.

ГарденияFamily - Rubiaceae. Homeland - subtropical and tropical areas of Asia and Africa.An evergreen shrub with leathery dark - green leaves and large white, very fragrant, single or double flowers. It flowers in summer and autumn. Fruit - berry. Usually a small gardenia bush is growing, but it can be put in the form of stam. Perfect for growing indoors.Accommodation. Gardenia feels good on the windows of the south and south - western exposure. In the summer the plant can be moved to fresh air, in winter it is set in a room with a temperature of 18-20 ° C. Gardenia looks great and the winter garden.Care. In the summer the plant should be watered abundantly, in the winter - a moderat
ely soft water. Every 10-15 days to feed fertilizers that do not contain lime. Gardenia needs moist air, so it is recommended to put on a plant-filled water tray with gravel and spray systematically. In late winter to transplant gardenia and crop last year an increase of one third the length. This will provide a better branching plants.Pests and diseases. The main pests - Quadraspidiotus perniciosus, mealybug kpesch spider. If the plant is watered with water containing lime, the leaves begin to turn yellow.From - for improper care can ruin gardenia appeared sooty fungus.Reproduction. Cuttings, if the substrate temperature is maintained around 25 ° C.Council. From - to irregular watering the plant throws flower buds.

Vrieziya brilliant.
Вриезия блестящая

Naturally grows in tropical rain forests of Guiana. Perennial herbaceous epiphytic or terrestrial plant with much shorter stem height of about 35cm. Dark green leaves are widely lanceolate with transverse brownish-red stripes and spots are collected in a dense rosette cupped. Inflorescence spicate, on long, bright red stalk. The flowers are yellow, bracts bright red, shiny. It flowers in July - August. need for artificial pollination.Grow in light or lightly shaded areas at 15 - 28 ° C and high humidity. In the spring and summer needs abundant watering and spraying, as well as in feeding an organic or comple
te mineral fertilizer twice a month. In autumn and winter watering is moderate.Propagation is mainly by seeds. The substrate for the cultivation should be loose, easy, nutritious and have a pH of 4.0-5.5. A mixture of peat form, leaf soil with the addition of finely chopped sphagnum, pieces of bark and charcoal, fine expanded clay and sand.The plant is resistant to diseases and pests.Recommended for use in conservatories, home collections, small offices, with window dressing, "epiphytic trees."

Ethiopian Calla.
Белокрыльник эфиопскийMother-Jamaica. Evergreen undemanding houseplant. The stems are smooth, juicy red.The leaves are large, pointed, fleshy, up to 20 cm, bright green above, grayish with small dots, red bottom. Flowers in large clusters, bright red, gorgeous. It is well reproduced by stem cuttings. He likes bright location. Transplanted begonia Bismarck annually in the spring.It flowers in winter and early spring. The small flowers are collected in inflor
escence-cob is located on the long direction. At the base of the inflorescence develops large, tubular, flared top, white pouch, called a blanket or a wing. With this feature, and the associated term "calla" covers not only protects the inflorescence, but also performs the function of the bright lobes, which attracts insects.During the growth of Calla requires a strong wetting, which is achieved by abundant watering and frequent spraying. A pot with a plant is best kept in a pan with water. In summer, when a period of rest, watering is limited. At this time growth stops, the leaves turn yellow. In late summer, when plants start to grow, it is transplanted into a mixture consisting of equal parts of leaf, peat, humus soil and sand. When transplanting remove yellowed leaves and all the kids that are formed around the mother plant. Initially, moderate watering, watering and then increase, leading to abundant. In winter, kept in a cool room with the optimum temperature 8-10 ° C. Propagated babies.In the living rooms of calla blooms are not always the case. Regular bloom happens only when the necessary conditions are observed: a mandatory holiday, regular feeding during growth and cool the room.

Arizema Fargeza .
Аризема ФаргезаHerbaceous perennial to 60 cm in height with an underground stem, as a tuber, which grows naturally in China and India.The plant develops a large leaf with three sectioned plate, brownish-red ear to veil the original form and colors. Unlike other Araceae covered with arizemy tilted forward, and ends with a rather long drawn out thread-like formation. In color covers - alternating longitudi
nal stripes of reddish-brown and gray. In general, the inflorescence looks like a sleek striped flower. Blooms for three weeks in December and January, the seeds are not ties.The plant has a long dormant period, from about May to October. At this time, the tubers store in a dry place, sometimes once a month watering. Tubers are planted in the fall of a mixture of leaf and turf peat and placed in a moderately warm, well-lit room. Basic care for the plant comes to watering, which gradually since the regrowth becomes more abundant, and, conversely, reduce the watering in the spring. At the annual transplants in the dressing is not necessary. For a more decorative tubers during the transplant is not separated, then in one pot can have two or three buds with large leaves.Resistant to pests and diseases.This plant is suitable for home collections. Calla different unusual exotic beauty. Serves as a wonderful decoration of large aquariums, artificial ponds, fountains. Leaves and buds are stable in the vase life and are widely used in the preparation of bouquets and arrangements, giving them unusual delicacy and expressiveness.

Anthurium Andre.
Антуриум АндрэHomeland-America. A perennial plant with short stem height about 0,7 m Leaves large, oblong-cordate, shiny, round on long stalks. The small flowers are collected in the ear with a bright red blanket. It flowers from February to November, fruiting throughout the year. Fruits are bright orange, with 1-2 seeds in each. It grows well in bright, lightly shaded areas at a temperature of 16-25 ° C in the dormant period from November to February - at 16-20 ° C. During the growing season Anthurium needs abundant watering and spraying, but can not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil. When wetting the leaves appear black necrotic spots. Therefore, it is necessary to grow in light friable mixture of leaf compost, peat, crushed mullein, chopped sphagnum. Multiplying anthurium seeds, remember that they quickly lose their viability, so they are sown immediately after harvest, after freeing from the pericarp. Crops double dive, and then planted in a permanent place. Seedlings bloom, usual
ly in 3-4 years. Propagated vegetatively, and - the tip of the stem or affiliated individuals who are separated for the transplant in March - August. Vegetatively propagated specimens of bloom the following year.Currently, there are many varieties and hybrids, differing in color (from white to dark red), the size and shape blankets «Ellrina», «Favorib», «IGA-Gokb», «Porzellan». In order to preserve evidence of their parent plants are propagated vegetatively.Young leaves and buds are affected by aphids anthurium.As a pot plant was successfully used for the registration of small offices, conservatories, home collections. One of the few species used as an industrial culture srezochnoy.

Family - Ranunculaceae. Motherland - the Mediterranean and Asia Mapaya.A perennial tuberous plant height of 20-30 cm Leaves pinnate with anemones, the color of a single rupnye, to 6-10 cm, on a long peduncle (20-22 cm). Flower color is the most diverse, from blue to dark - purple, white, or from pink to dark - red. Blossoms in February - April. The fruit resembles anemones hairy nut. The plant tolerates short-term drop in temperature to -5 ° C.Accommodation. Crown Anemone is a wonderful vygonochnym plant, so in early spring a few tubers are planted in a small bowl or flower pot with a diameter 10-13 cm, with the usual mix of flowers to a depth of 5-8 cm then set the pot in a warm room, conservat
ory, or other place with a temperature of 10 -14 ° C. When touched by the growth of anemones, set them on the windowsill and keep at room temperature.Care. Regularly watered with water at room temperature. During the growing season anemones fed weekly with a mixture of complex fertilizers. After 2-3 months after flowering, when irrigation anemones cut, the aerial part of the plant dies.Pests and diseases. The main enemy of the crown anemones - aphids, which settles on the plant, if the room temperature is too high.Reproduction. Tubers and seeds. At a temperature of 13-15 ° C anemones remain viable up to 2-3 years. Division of the tubers in the spring of conduct so that each delenka had at least one slept. Before planting, place offices tubers disinfected with powdered charcoal.

АлламандаFamily - kutrovyh. Homeland - tropical America.Exotic and very loving rare flowering plant greenhouse conditions (humidity and heat).Online you can find the form A, laxative (Allamanda caihartica). This fast growing climber high - for 3-4 years, if not cut, can reach a height of 3 meters.Grow allamandu not as a basket plant, as well as a shrub in need of support in the form of the lattice. The leaves are oppositely arranged, shiny, green, oval-shaped
, pointed at the end. Funnel-shaped flowers can be sized from 5 to 10 cm in diameter and various shades of yellow. The plant is often called the golden voice of the - for the appearance of the flowers.The most common varieties of Allamanda caihartica grandiflora - with light - yellow flowers, clustered on a few pieces at the ends of the shoots. Allamanda caihartica hendersonn - with red buds that turn into dismissing golden - yellow flowers.Accommodation. Allamanda thermophilic. Summer in the range 20-25 ° C in the winter - not below 14 ° C. Light-requiring, in the summer should be full sunlight. But since October with decreasing temperature, the plant kept on a light place out of direct sunlight.Care. Copious watering in summer, the land in any case should not dry up. From autumn to early spring watering allamandy moderate, ie, reduce by about a factor of 2, and watered only when the soil dries out well on top. In spring and summer (March to August) allamandu fed a bi-weekly. Use integrated fertilizer for houseplants dekorativnotsvetuschih. In the growth period from March to August, frequent spraying is carried out, but so that no water enters at the flowers. Transplanted in the spring of each year in February - March. Spending time pruning the shoots to encourage flowering. The ground for allamandy should be nutritious: 2 parts clay - sod land, a portion of leaf soil, 1 part compost and 1 part sand.Pests and diseases. The plant is affected with red spider kpeschikom, aphids.Reproduction. Semilignified cuttings, cut the spring. Cuttings root in the room when teplichke soil heating.Council. If allamanda not bloom or bloom poorly, the cause may be too warm and dry winter, lack of lighting in the summer or winter, plenty of light, lack of nutrients in the soil or overfeeding nitrogen fertilizers

Polianthes tuberosa.
ТуберозFamily - agavovye. Homeland - Mexico and the island of Trinidad.Tuberose - the oldest flowering plants, numbering 12 species. In tuberose narrow oblong leaves (length 30 - 45 cm and a width of 1.2 cm) and very fragrant white (sometimes pink) flowers on a spike. There are semi-double and double varieties. For ambient culture is of interest to T dwarf, a gem. Blooms from mid-July until the first frost.Accommodation. Tuberose prefers bright sunny rooms, but can easily stand and shade.Care. Tubers of 2-3 pieces in late April - early May planting in the flower substrate consisting of a leaf, turf soil and sand (1:1:1). Flower fertilizers are applied twice, with the appearance of sprouts and immediately after flowering. Watering should be regular and moderate. When the plant fades, reduce watering. Finish the growing season tubers are cleaned, dried and stored in a dry place. Designed for forcing the tubers are kept in a cool, dry place and planted
 in pots with the calculation of the required period of flowering. The period from planting to flowering is 4-5 months.Pests and diseases. The plant is affected spider mites, rarely beetle. At constant wetting of the soil on the leaves may appear spotting.Reproduction. Babies, formed around the mother tuber. The largest doraschivayut kids for 1-2 years, small -3-4 years. Flowering occurs only if the tubers reach the size of 3.5 - 4 cm and their weight is at least 2.3 - 3.4 g, and before landing, they were not separated from the mother tuber.Council. Very strong scent of tuberose can cause headaches, so a night blooming tuberose is recommended to move to a balcony or terrace.

Rosanne Chinese.
Розан китайскийHomeland - The South China.
The plant height of 3-4 m, with spreading branches, oval at the edges
toothed bright green glossy leaves. The large flowers are very different colors:purple-red. pink, orange, white, simple and double. Very beautiful varieties with doubledark red flowers. It flowers from early spring until autumn, sometimes in the winter. In the summer flowers fade and disappear within 2-3 days.
Propagated by seeds and cuttings. Terry diluted form only from cuttings. The best time for grafting - April - May. At the end semilignified take cuttings shoots with 2-3internodes, rooting in a vessel under the glass, 25-30 days are planted in 8-cm pots.Potted s
pecimens are transplanted in the spring turf, leaf soil and sand (4:2:1).
When transplanting a short cut branches. Rosanne Chinese-photophilous plant. In the summer it can be taken on the balcony during the growth needed fertilizers in aqueous solutions. In winter, it is desirable to spray more often and keep clean.

Family - acanthus. Homeland - South America.A small shrub with handsome dark - green leaves. Expanding gives a lot of thin shoots.At the ends of the branches of the inflorescence are formed. Two-lipped corolla of a flower consists of two half-fused white petals and surrounded by very attractive unusual spike bracts color from bright - red to brownish - violet.Accommodation. Plants are a good feel in the spacious, bright room or conser
vatory. In the summer it is desirable to make beloperone the air and set so that it was protected from direct sunlight. In winter, the plant feels great on the east window, if the room temperature is 12-15 °.Care. Throughout the year, requires moderate watering, but do not let it get too waterlogged soil in the pot. Feed the plant from March to October, complete mineral fertilizer 3-4 times per month. In winter, if the plant is in a warm room, fed him once in 1.5-2 months. Every year in March - April, transplanted in a mixture of leaf, peat, humus, turf soil and river sand in the ratio 2:1:1:2:1.Pests and diseases. The most dangerous aphids, spider kpesch. If the room is very dry air, and soil is too moist, the leaves turn yellow n fall.Reproduction. Cuttings and seeds. For cuttings usually in February - May take annual shoots 8-10 cm long, they take root in 12-15 days. Seeds in March - April, sow in the soft earth.Council. Grow beloperone as stam plant, then it will look good in the winter garden, a spacious room with windows in the lobby or office.

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