понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.

Сactus plants.

АпорокактусFamily - cactus. Homeland - Mexico.Aporokaktus - a very undemanding plant with thin, effectively hanging stems, sometimes reaching a length of 1 meter looks like a good basket plant. The flowers are pink - raspberry colored bloom in spring. Spines small light - brown.Accommodation. Prefers bright, sunny place. In the summer the plant should make the air, shading from direct sunlight. In winter, set in a bright room with a temperature of 10-15 ° C.
Care. In the summer need much water and relatively high humidity. In April - September, plant fertilizers feed every 15 days. Plants need fertile soil, so it is recommended annually in the spring transplanting.Pests and diseases. The main pests - Quadraspidiotus perniciosus, spider mites, mealybug. With an excess of moisture appears brown rot.Reproduction. Cuttings. Place cut-off before planting in the substrate must be dry for several days. You can copy and seeds.Council. For better and abundant flowering aporokaktus the period of rest, put in a cool place.

Weingartia fidaiana.
Family: Cactaceae (cactus).Habitat: Veyigartii grow mainly in the arid slopes of the Andes in South America, particularly in Bolivia, northern Argentina and Chile.Description: These are mostly spherical, at a young age single plant, but the years are beginning to show processes. Stems with ribs, sometimes quite high, pictured in the photos is kind of low edge, this is one of the smallest in the genus. In most species growing succulent main root, the neck between it and the base of a narrow escape.Areoles rounded or oval, the distance between them is very varied: they are between 8 and 18 in the divergent part of the radial and up to 8 central spines sticking out straight.The spines are always tough, from 1.25 to 3.75 cm in length, slightly longer than the central radial. The flowers appear on the top flight, but most of the growing point, and around it, and they korotkotrubchatye, funnel-shaped, less than 3.75 cm in diameter, all shades of yellow or pale orange.
Culture: Veyigartii easily propagated by seeds. These slow-growing cacti feel well at a slightly shaded glass in a mixture consisting of equal parts of sand and humus of the earth. Dishes for planting should be high. From spring to autumn watering is moderate.In the dry winter maintenance tolerate temperatures of up to 5 ° C, but with increasing moisture content require increasing temperature. 

Wilcoxia poselgeri.
Family: Caciaceae (cactus)Habitat: Vilkoksin grow in the southern part of Texas. United States, as well as a variety of habitats in Mexico, from the State of Koaunla to the southern part of Puebla, and Baja California. They always grow in the shade of other plants, especially the thorny bushes, branches of which, as a prop, use a weak shoots Wilcox. Distributed normally at low altitude.Description: Stems are distinctly ribbed, reaching no more than 1 m in height and 0.9 cm in diameter. Narrow rounded ribs usually 10, areola sit so closely on the edges, that their omission fused into one solid mass, covering the stem. In the form of short W.schmollii areoles grow out of long white hairs. Radial spines to 14, they are about 0.5 cm in length and can be white, gray or black. In W. poselgeri central spine is clearly visible. Shirokovoronkovidnye flowers or leaves of the perianth much folding, from 2.5 to 5 cm in diameter, white, pink or red, remain open for about two days. Fruit oval, up to 2.5 cm long, slightly fleshy, covered with short spines, when ripe reddish-green.
Culture: Roots of Wilcox are like the roots of dahlias, so they used a large planting dishes. Soil mixture of sand and humus, from spring to autumn in warm weather need abundant watering. Even the old plants should be located under a slightly shaded glass.Winter in dry, with temperatures of up to 8 C.Note: Vilkoksin - amazing plants and their flowers grow in size as long as no fade. The representatives of the well-breed seeds and cuttings. In the last year in a typical developing tuberous roots. New plants can also be obtained by division of roots. Under natural conditions, Wilcox often renewed from tuberous roots in the withering away of the aerial parts of plants during drought or when her eat animals such as goats.Common name: cactus, dahlia.

Family - cactus. Homeland - South America (Bolivia, Paraguay, South Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina).There are about 70 species. Belong to the subfamily tsereusovye. Size of plants vary greatly depending on the type: they can be a diameter of 2.5 cm (Gymnocalycium ragonesii) to 30 cm (Gymnocalycium sag Hone). Stem rounded or ploskosharovidny.For these cacti are typical apical flowers with long, covered with scale-like leaves large tube without hairs or spines. Many species bloom profusely as early as 2-3 - years old.Flowering lasts from spring to late autumn, the flowers hold up to 10 days. They can be very diverse coloration.
ГимнокалициумIn the culture became widespread about 20 species.- F, Baldi (Gymnocalycium baldianum) - stem spherical with very low ribs, separated into flat round tubercles. A few, small needle-like thorns collected in divergent puchim. The maximum dimensions of culture in the 10 cm in diameter. It flowers in May - September.Flowers funnel-shaped with a diameter of about 5 cm- D, naked (denudatum) (Gymnocalycium denudatum) - stems round, diameter 10 cm, ribs, and nearly flat tubercles. Very showy prickly - not numerous, wavy curved and tight to the surface of the stem. The maximum dimensions of culture in the 10 cm in diameter.It flowers in May - September. Flowers funnel-shaped with a diameter - about b cm long tube and folding out numerous long uzkmmi petals.
- T stenopleurum "Rubria" (Gymnocalycium stenopleurum "Rubra") - stem red (various shades), with nizimmi ribs having a clear cross-striations, usually cluttered with many children. The maximum dimensions of culture - 6 cm in diameter. Bloom less frequently than other gimnokalitsiumy.- Popular enough to form an artificially derived beskhlorofilnye - T AFyahanovicha (Gymnocalycium mihanovichii), whose painting of the - for the low content of chlorophyll in the tissues is determined by the coloring pigments: red or orange - carotene, a yellow - xanthophyll.Accommodation. Despite the endurance of this kind of plants under different conditions, on the specifics of care can be divided into three groups:• species, native to Argentina, in the summer need moderate watering and lighting and fresh air. In winter they are kept at a temperature of 8-10 ° C, and rare watering.• species, native to Bolivia, in the summer and pritenenie need regular watering. In winter, watering is moderate at 12-15 ° C.• Species native to Uruguay and Paraguay, in the summer need sunlight and regular watering. In winter, the dry content at 8-10 ° C.Care. Cacti like nutrient that kind of loose soil, do not tolerate extreme heat and excess moisture.T Mihanovicha can not grow on their own roots, grafted on to the green species. After grafting the scion begins to grow at the expense of the stock, so the latter must be well lit to enhance the process of photosynthesis, and in winter - cool content. The soil - leaf and turf ground, peat, coarse sand (3:2:2:3) with the addition of charcoal and brick chips. The soil should be slightly acidic, with no lime, water should be acidified water.Hard water and an alkaline substrate lead to a halt in the growth and death of roots.Pests and diseases. Gimnokalitsiumy resistant to diseases and pests.Reproduction. Basically, seeds, seedlings appear within a week at 20-25 ° C.Council. Gimnokalitsiumy unpretentious in culture, it is easy to grow on their roots, not so demanding of lighting, like most other cacti. Respond well to moist heat and parnichkov teplichek.This is interesting. The genus name comes from the Greek. gymnos - naked and calyx - a cup. The main feature of the genus - naked calyx without hairs with broad scales.

Maya solitaria Rauh et Backeb.
Family: Cactaceae (cactus).Habitat: The plants of this genus are found in dry stony or rocky areas of southern Peru and northern Chile at an altitude of about 900 m above sea level.Description: Usually solitary, spherical or cylindrical shortened plants, about 20 cm in height and 10 cm in diameter. Stems with 15-20 ribs, but in some species a few lumpy due to the fact that the edges of a white woolly areoles raised. The body plant lime-blue or gray-green, spines from white to brown with darker tips, rarely exceed (often less), 1.25 cm in length. Flowers about 2.5 cm in diameter, usually all shades of yellow, tepals are often outside the brownish-red. Fully developed fruits from 2.5 to 5 cm long, bright pink, ripen in a few weeks after flowering.
Culture: Islayya require well-drained ground mixture consisting of at least 2 parts coarse sand and 1 part compost: clay pots should be, in which the soil dries out quickly after watering. If you use plastic utensils should increase the proportion of sand in the ground mixture. These plants can not pereuvlazhnyat, and on cloudy days, from spring to fall they do not water, spreading on the upper shelves of greenhouses under a slightly shaded glass. Dry winter demand content at temperatures around 8 ° C.

Family - cactus. Motherland - the desert of South America.
Rebutsii - small, slightly flattened on top spherical seedlings, height of 10 - 12 cm with athin short white spines. They are quite beautiful and different durability and ruggedness.The flowers have rebutsii, in contrast to other cacti grow from the bottom of the stem andhave the form of a funnel. Spring Blossoms rebutsiya red or yellow flowers.
Accommodation. Too high temperatures and direct sunlight are harmful rebutsii. In the summer the plant should make the fresh air. In winter, it is desirable to establish in a light, dry, well ventilated area.
Care. Watering only begin to form buds, 2-3 times a month rebutsii feed fertilizer forcacti. In autumn (September - October) completely stop watering and fertilizing. In winter, watering is very rare.
Pests and diseases. The plant is subject to attack insects and red spider mite. When excess watering the roots may rot.
Reproduction. Babies and seeds.

Hylocereus cubensis Britt.
Family: Cactaceae (cactus).Habitat: Hilotsereusy common in the West Indies, Mexico, Central America, Venezuela and Brazil. Growing in the forests, they are epiphytes and grow on the soil, just clinging to the trunks and branches of woody plants aerial roots.Description: Hilotsereusy - the real climbing cactus with a three-edged (trehkrylymi) jointed stems. The edges of the ribs of the stem is sometimes wavy (okruglozubchatye), with the areoles in the recesses of the edges. Spines numerous, very short, sometimes absent. The large funnel-shaped flowers of the night up to 30 cm in length, they are white and very fragrant. Fruit red, with N. undauis to 12.5 cm in diameter.
Culture: Plants of all kinds is extremely easy to culture. They like a rich humus soil and abundant irrigation from spring to autumn. Should keep them under shaded glass. For most of the wintering species requires temperatures around 10 ° C and even higher, since the content of the plants over the cold affected the orange rot, which is rapidly disfigures graceful plants. Hilotsereus can spend the winter at about 8 ° C, but in this case is entirely without irrigation.Note: The appropriate temperature, humidity, and blooming in all seasons.Common name: Queen of the Night.

Chiapasia nelsonii (Britt. et Rose).
Family: Cactaceae (cactus).Habitat: This epiphytic cactus grows in the forks of branches, among decaying leaves in the tropical forests of Honduras and the Mexican state of Chiapas.Description: Flat succulent shoots of young plants are erect, but at the age of two are drooping, hanging down, in adult plants reach 1.2 m in length. The edges of the stem is slightly notched. The flowers appear in spring of the areolas sitting on the edge of shoots and have no spines. Sometimes the plant produces thin cylindrical stems, which develop multiple branches flat. The flowers reach 7.5 cm in length and come in various shades of pink or carmine.
Culture: From, nelsonii as epiphytic cactus loves the heat and moisture, so it contains a use of glass in the ground mixture of 3 parts humus of the earth (preferably beech or oak leaf compost) and 1 part sand (by volume). In the spring, summer and autumn the plants should be plenty of water and spray, and in winter kept at a temperature not lower than 8 ° C, wetting the soil to prevent wilting stems.Note: This is sometimes referred to the genus Disocactus.Common name: cactus, orchid.

АстрофитумFamily - cactus. Homeland - Mexico.Astrophytum - "Star of cactus." They have fleshy stems globose, covered with decorative spikes or grayish - white speckles. Very attractive yellow flowers that bloom all summer.The most widely known and is considered a "bishop's miter" - a plant with long stems without thorns, greenish - gray color, dotted with white flakes. Its shape resembles a cactus, this episcopal miter. Its yellow flowers appear to be silk.
The pride of any collection is A uhrashenny A small plant stem is round, but with age it acquires a columnar shape. He has eight ribs and a beautiful straight studs. At room conditions A decorated only grows in height and 1 mAccommodation. Astrophytum prefer sunny and warm place. The plant can be placed on the window sill windows of the southern or south - west direction, or on a stand beside him. In winter, the plant set in a bright room with a temperature of 6 ° C.Care. In the summer a little watering in the winter - no watering. Unlike most cacti Astrophytum like calcareous soil. Transplanted plants 1 every 4-5 years in the new pot, which is slightly larger than the old. The substrate consists of a greenhouse earth, weathered silt, clay, turf, or earth and coarse sand in the ratio 1:1:1:1:1, the mixture is added a spoonful of charcoal and a spoonful of lime.Pests and diseases. The main pests - Quadraspidiotus perniciosus, red spider mite.With strong moisture rot may occur, affecting the stem.Reproduction. Seeds.

Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus (Lem.).
Family: Cactaceac (cactus).Habitat: Ariocarpus found mainly in northern and central regions of Mexico, from the state of Coahuila to Nuevo Leon, as well as in the southern counties of Texas (USA), north of the Rio Grande. They grow on rocky soil and rocks, sometimes in the sand and clay soil, the more often on calcareous soils.
Description: Pretty little plants, often with a large main root. Under natural conditions, grow so that the ground is visible only the uppermost part of the plant. The body surface is lumpy. The bumps (papillae) long, triangular in cross section, smooth, flat, situated in the form of shingles. Areola at the top of the papillae, but without spines. Sinuses between the tubercles usually with dense white hairs, it is here, closer to the top of the plants and flowers appear. Unlike most other cacti is happening in the autumn, in November. The flowers are funnel shape, 2.5-5 cm in diameter, from white or cream to pink and carmine color: like many cacti flowers close at night, stay 3-7 days. The fruit is almost cylindrical in shape, 1,25-2.5 cm in length at maturity cream or pale pink, smooth and fleshy.Culture: All plants of this genus grow very slowly. When culturing is not buried in the ground, as usually happens in vivo. They need a sandy earthy mixture of 2 parts coarse sand and 1 part humus. It is best to use clay pots. But if you put in plastic, then the land shall contain more sand. Watering should only be on a hot day on top, well promachivaya soil. In cloudy and cool weather from watering, being careful, it is better to abstain. Ariocarpus equally well grow and blossom as a slight shading glass, and in the open sun, but prefer the former. In the winter better than a dry content of at a minimum temperature of about 10 C, which for A. fissuraius, may be even lower.Note: Some species are also known under the generic name RoseocaclUS, the selection of which, however, is unnecessary. Since Ariocarpus grow slowly, growing large specimens - it is almost a lifetime, and most fans get the young plants have already reached 2.5-5 cm in diameter, and they will soon grow to the size of flowering individuals.Common name: Deer Trail.

Borzicactus humboldtii Britt. et Rose.
Family: Cactaceae (cactus).Habitat: Homeland borzikaktusov - it's mostly Bolivia. Peru and Ecuador, where they are found in different habitats, from sea level to a height of about 2133 m, as in the plains, and on well-drained slopes. Some plants have a very wide spread of high-rise, and the result, even within a species there is great variability. This phenomenon can be found in other genera, living at altitudes above 1600-1800 m above sea level.
Description: Borzikaktusy - columnar plants, usually branched from the base, but they remain upright, as a rule, only the first few years, and then lodge. Pretty soft stalks can be more than 5 cm diameter and up to 1.2-1.5 m in height. 8.12 on the stem ribs, low and rounded, with transverse grooves between the areoles, Oval with whitish-brown areola omission on the edges are slightly raised and separated from each other by 2.5 cm spines usually clearlyseparated into radial and central: radial 16, Cream closer to the brown color, they are 2.5 cm in length and sticking to the sides, the central rarely greater than 4. they are the same color as the radial and reach a length of 2.5-5 cm, but not so much separated from the stem. The flowers, which hold about two days, tubular, more or less (depending on species) drop in the upper part (in the form shown in the photograph reveals very little), and like a flower Aporocactus flagelliformis zygomorphic.Fruit small, globular, covered with hairs or setae, prominent spines.Culture: These beautiful plants prefer a sandy mixture of equal parts of sand and humus, require copious watering in hot weather from spring to autumn. Pots for planting is better to take as large as possible, but best results are obtained by planting in soil free greenhouses. Borzikaktusy feel well in greenhouses, with the annexes to the south facing slope with no shading, but the young plants are under the age of 4-5 years should be protected from the sun. In winter, the dry content of the minimum temperature should be around 8 ° C.

КорифантаFamily - cactus. Homeland - Mexico, South - Western U.S. states.There are approximately 80 species and varieties.The shape of these cacti spherical or slightly elongated. Stem solitary, sometimes forms a baby gray - green or blue - green. In summer, there are large top korifanty (4-10 cm in diameter) flowers, usually yellow, rarely pink or white, who disclosed during the day and stay for several days. The fruits ripen in the following year.Accommodation. Plants prefer bright, sunny and warm place, very well grow on the windowsill. In winter, can be rearranged in a cool (10 ° C), dry place.Care. In the summer should be regularly watered during the winter do not water. Put the plant in loose sand or gravel - loamy soil, adding 40% of leaf. Young plants are transplanted in the spring, adults - 2-3 years, but every year replacing the top layer of old-earth blend of fresh ground. Fed a plant fertilizer once a month for the cacti.
Pests and diseases. The plant is subject to attack insects, spider mites, aphids. If the light is not enough, the lower part of the plant tissue is converted into a cork, that is, the aging process is activated.Reproduction. Seeds.

Kleystokaktusy have a columnar (length of 30 cm to 3 m) stems, which may be erect, like a kleystokaktusa Strauss (C. strausii) with its white bristles horizontal, as in the first kleystokaktusa izumrudnotsvetkovo (C. smaragdiflorus), or hang, like kleystokaktusa Winter (C. winteri), more than the known lovers called hildevintera zolotistokolyuchkovaya (Hildewintem aureispina). Columnar cacti bloom profusely in adulthood and the tubular flowers are pollinated by hummingbirds in nature.Kleystokaktusy found na large areas of the eastern Andes, where the highlands of Peru and Bolivia (3000 m above sea level) inhabited by frost-resistant species of these plants. As we move to the east elevation of the mountains is reduced, and thereby reduces frost and cactus (it is the species grown in eastern Paraguay and Argentina).For all kleystokaktusov in the collection is better if the temperature during winter dormancy does not fall below +10 ° C, while the soil in the pots can be kept slightly damp. Plants that survived the winter without irrigation, with great difficulty and delay start growing in spring. In accordance with the classification of Hunt's birth Akers (Akersia) and hildevintera (Hildewintera) and several species of the genus bolivitsereus (Bolivicereus) are now classified in the genus Cleistocactus. Thus, according to this classification, the name synonymous kleystokaktus samaypatansky (S.samaipataniis) is now considered a self-bolivitsereus maypatansky (Bolivicereus samaipatanus) and Acker-sion rozovotsvetkovaya (Akersia roseiflora).

ЛобивияFamily - cactus. Homeland - Bolivia, Peru and Argentina.There are more than 80 species.Small seedlings with occasional spikes in the bluish or grayish stem spherical or cylindrical shape. Gives basal suckers. It flowers in spring or early summer. Often, the same kind of Lobiv can have flowers of different colors - yellow, red and various shades.In artificial pollination forms a seed.Accommodation. Plants need fresh air and plenty of light. Grow them on the windowsill of the southern and south - west window. In winter, the plants are installed in a dry place with temperature not lower than 10 ° C.
Care. In the summer watering should be moderate, not watered during the winter Lobiv.In the summer the plant feed once a month, a flower fertilizer.Pests and diseases. The main pests - aphids, red spider mite. From - due to excessive soil moisture may develop root rot.Reproduction. Seeds and basal suckers.Council. All kinds of Lobiv grow well on their own roots, but to get plenty of flowering plants, it is desirable to cultivate them resistant rootstocks (trihotsereusy, Opuntia, Pereskia, and others).

These cacti grow in Peru, on the western slopes of the Andes, but much higher thankopyapoa, and in a completely different climate. Coastal fog hectares Roy does not reach the places where they live cactus, and they are entirely dependent on the moist air coming from the Pacific Ocean from May to November. When worn by the winds from the ocean when the moisture condenses and oh, coil cooling falls as torrential rains. In southern Peru matukany grow at an altitude of between 2,000 and 4,000 meters abovesea level in the western part of the Eastern Cordillera - the mountain system locatedalong the coast.

Mammillopsis senilis Weber.
Family: Cactaceae (cactus).Habitat: This genus includes only two species, and they both come from the mountainous regions of the Mexican states of Durango and Coahuila, where the winter snows sometimes.Description: spherical or slightly elongated, heavily branched plants, whose body is covered with tubercles, almost invisible from the - in the thick thorns, white in M. senilis, and straw-colored in M. diguetii. Each areola contains about 40 lines and fine radial spines, less than 2.5 cm in length and up to 6 lines with a central hook tip. Flowers with long tube, and 6.3 cm in length, but wide open, bright - red, rising from the axils between the tubercles. The fruit is small, slightly elongated, red when ripe, with a smooth surface.Culture: Although mammillopsisy come from areas at an altitude of about 2500 m above sea level and even higher, where it snows, they do not tolerate waterlogging, it is easy podgnivaya with careless watering. Mammillopsisy prefer soil mixture with lots of sand, keeping in lightly shaded glass and sparse watering, even during the period of growth. In winter, require a very dry, which is in a temperate climate with high humidity difficult to achieve, and the minimum temperature around 8 ° C. In countries with a cold but dry climate such difficulties do not arise, and the plants can be kept at a much lower temperature.

Neochileniyu (Neochilenia), horridokaktus (Horridocactus), telotsefalu (Thelocephala), chileorebyutsiyu (Chileorebutia), pirrokaktus (Pyrrhocactus), islayyu (Islaya), reyheokaktus (Reicheocactus) and neoporteriyu (Neoporteria) not so long ago was considered a completely different genera. Today, most of these types of keys in one genus Neoporteria, because from the perspective of professionals, they differ little from one another.However, lovers of cacti is useful to know about their division into groups, or subgenera, corresponding to the same genera. Types of actual neoporterii or neoporterii in the narrow sense, is easily recognized by their carmine-pink flowers, in which the inner perianth segments or "petals" are not bent outwards, so the flower does not seem fully developed.
In European conditions, the plant keeps flowering rhythm, characteristic of him at home - in the Southern Hemisphere, so do not bloom buds in the autumn in a cold greenhouse or die and fall off, or hibernate and appear as pink spots on the top of the stem and early spring when the temperature in the greenhouse suddenly dissolved. This amazing plant - in the summer they need a rest, and can grow in the winter, but since they do not have enough light, these cacti are quite difficult to include in the collection.Neoporterii, which were previously attributed to the genera and Neochilenia Horridocactus, grow very well in the usual care. These plants from the Andes to the west of Chile require a lot of light. In the spring they open their funnel-shaped pearl white, orange-red or pale pink flowers, which, if growing conditions are not too favorable, so densely arranged on the top of the stem, how would push each other. These cacti need mineral soil mixture and deep pot to grow napiform the main root.

Neolloydiya conical (N. Conoidea) - the only member of the genus - a close relativeturbinikarpusa and some botanists have united under the name Neolloydia. However,they have a very distinct differences: adults turbinikarpusov have grooves on tubercles, while neolloydii they are, and the flowers appear in her sinus papillae. In this respectshenii neolloydiya approaching childbirth and korifanta Escobar. Neolloydiya grows inTEXA se and eastern Mexico, where you can find the set of forms.

НотокактусFamily - cactus. Motherland - the desert of South America.In areas of natural habitat, they often grow on rocks, cliffs and talus. Stems are spherical or cylindrical in shape, well defined edges with the areola, dotted with plenty of thorns.Depending on the type of flowers Notocactus are small or large, yellow, or yellow - violet.- N.Otto (Notocactus ottonis) - with globular stem and long and hard, but rare, slightly curved spines. It flowers in the spring of large (up to 7.5 cm in diameter), flowers, golden - yellow (also called parodia ottonis).
- N. solntselyubimy (Notocactus apricus) - a small ball-shaped stem is somewhat flattened. Many well-defined edges with large curved spines. Flowers compared with the size of a huge cactus (up to 7.5 cm in diameter), yellow (also called parodia concinna)- N. leninghauzi (Notocactus leninghausii) - with a column-high stem and long golden spines. It flowers in the spring of lemon - yellow flowers. This cactus grows to 1 m in height, so keep it in the room is somewhat problematic, although it is valued for its simplicity.Accommodation. Prefers bright, sunny place. In spring and summer should Notocactus pritenyat.Care. From April to September, requires regular watering, but do not let stagnant water in the pan. At the same time, 2 times a month, the plant feed fertilizer for cacti. In winter, the plants should be in a light, dry and cool place (5-10 ° C).Pests and diseases. Dangerous Quadraspidiotus perniciosus, a root mealybug. From excess moisture rotting the roots.Razmnozhenie.vozmozhno seeds.

ПародияFamily - cactus. Homeland - Central and South America.Small up to 20 cm flowering cacti. Spherical stem is covered with yellow bristly spines.Give a lot of shoots. Bloom from spring to parody the summer. The flowers can be yellow, red, yellow - orange, blood - red. A flower appears at the top of the globular stem. Parodies do not require special care.Accommodation. The plant prefers very bright, sunny and warm place. Good feel on the window sill window with southern exposure. In the winter of parody is placed in a light, cool place with a temperature of 5-12 ° C. In May, the plant can be taken to the air and set so that it has always been protected from the rain.
Care. In the summer of parody need plenty of water in the winter - a little, but do not allow drying of the soil. Every 14 days fertilize a plant fertilizer for cacti. Before the onset of winter in the last watering, add phosphate fertilizer, repot the plant every 2-3 years.Pests and diseases. The plant suffers from scale insects, mealy Chernetsov, red spider mites. Excess soil moisture causes rotting of the stem base.Reproduction. Seeds and shoots.Council. In a shallow ceramic bowl, Put a few small cacti (or install it in a few pots of cactus). Spread between the small stones, gravel, or sprinkle fine white breadcrumbs.We obtain a very beautiful song.

Most telokaktusov grows on limestone slopes in the Chihuahuan Desert in Central and Northern Mexico. Here is hot and dry, and plants are exposed to direct sunlight. In such circumstances, the most protected from the scorching sun and dry cacti are covered with very thick spines and waxy layer or a stalk, partially hidden in the ground. Cacti of the desert areas are growing slowly, and in temperate climates, they are extremely sensitive to the combination of cold waterlogged soil, which usually causes a rapid decay of the main root. Telokaktusam need rich soil with mineral salts containing at least one-third coarse sand, fine gravel or something similar.
The easiest to cultivate cacti come from the western and southern border areas of the desert, where there is no such a dry climate, both in its central part. Telokaktus belokolyuchkovy (Th. leucacanthus), for example, lives in the bush near Hidalgo, on the southern boundary of distribution of the genus. Species, which will be discussed further, have one thing in common - they have tufts of spines are nectaries, secrete a sweet juice, which attracts ants. But at the same time on the nectar can develop istic rot, which, although it does not cause death of plants, spoils their appearance. Telokaktus bicolor (Th. bicolor) spread wider than any other telokaktusov. It is also found in the central part of the Chihuahuan Desert, and its outlying areas wetter. This species has a gorgeous, brightly colored and fairly large (up to 8 cm in length and as much in diameter) flowers. In this type of form vagnerianus flowers and spines paler than the typical form.Telokaktus Schwartz (Th. schwarzii) grows in areas where telokaktus bicolor (Th. bicolor) does not occur, and if it were not for this circumstance, it could not identify as a separate species, since the differences between them are extremely small.Telokaktus schetinkokolyuchkovy (Th. setispinus), or hamatokaktus schetinkokolyuchkovy (Hamatocactus setispinus), grows in the east of the Mexican province of Tamaulipas, which borders with the state of Texas (USA), along the Caribbean coast and in the interior of the territory. This telokaktus certainly the easiest to maintain in the collection, and it can be recommended for beginners for breeding.The plant has sharp edges and a yellowish-red flowers.

The genus is now Turbinicarpus include most of the species ranked as the first race gimnokaktus (Gymnocactus), as well as the species of the genera rapikaktus (Rapicactm) and normanboksh (Normanbokea). Typ - binikaktus - a close relative neolloydii (Neolloydia), Escobar (Escobaria) and korifanty (Coryphantha), as well as the birth telokaktus (Thelocactus) and sklerokaktus (Sclerocactus).Turbinikarpusy grow in desert areas of northern and northeastern Mexico and adjacent Texas. They are well adapted to life on dry stony substrate. In the underground turbine nikarpusa (T. subterraneus) in the ground formed a vertical tuber. From this tuber grows in the rainy season is very thin, stretching toward the light escape, which gradually begins to thicken at the top.
The spines are weak and blunt, as, for example, turbinikarpusa krupnolapogo (T. macrochele), or hard and sharp, like a strewn turbinikarpusa darts (T. hornpilus). The latter, as in several other species, which were previously attributed to the genus gimnokaktus (Gymnocactus), at the apex of the stem has white woolly hairs, which appear in early spring buds, later turning into an amazingly beautiful carmine-pink or white flowers are large (usually a pink color predominates).The plants grow is not as difficult as commonly believed. In the summer they need a lot of light, so it is not recommended to keep them indoors. They should receive enough light, and winter in the greenhouse in order to form flower buds. Do not water the plants, even after the formation of flower buds in spring until established until very warm weather, because the combination of wet soil and low temperature leads to zag nivaniyu the main root. Species such as the turbine Karpus Lau (T. lauii), turbinikarpus lozhnokrupnolapy (T. pseudomacrochele) and turbinikarpus Schwartz (T. schwarzii), can bloom the second year after planting. If the plants are watered properly and carefully, then the vaccine to the preservation of the shoots when the main root rotting may not be necessary.Unfortunately, the grafted plants thorns are quite rare. Turbinikarpusy grow well in rich soil with mineral salts.

Frehley is very peculiar and unfortunate that these cacti are rarely seen in collections.Stem up to 2-4 cm in diameter, with most species of branches, and eventually formed the whole bunch of little heads. These cacti are blooming, and a year after sowing. This is an ideal plant for beginners, for those who take up cultivation of cacti from seed the first time. However, we must be sure that the seeds are fresh, as they quickly lose theirviability. Sometimes Fraulein formed flowers that are not being opened, turned into a fruitcontaining a large viable seed. These flowers are called cleistogamous. The diameter ofthe drop-down or hazogamnyh, yellow flowers equal to the diameter of the stem on whichthey are formed. Homeland Fraulein - the central part of South America - places where the northern boundary of parody, with whom they are distantly related.

Chamaecereus silvestrii (Speg.) Britt. et Rose.
Family: Caclaceae (cactus).Habitat: The only species of this genus grows among bushes on the hillsides in the Argentine provinces of Salta and Tucuman.Description: Low creeping plant forming numerous fingerlike shoots. The stem is not more than 1.25-2.5 cm in diameter, sometimes reaching 15 cm in length, has a 8.10 edge, which is very close to each other are areoles bearing short fine spines white or straw color. Appearing in the spring and early summer flowers are 5-7.5 cm in diameter and do not fade for about two days.Culture: Very easy-to-culture species, can grow into any more or less suitable land under glass with a light shading. From spring to autumn, requires heavy irrigation, but in winter it is better to keep a complete dryness at a temperature close to 10 C. A warm winter maintenance adversely affects flowering next season.Note: The body hametsereusa very tender, but because he was often attacked by spider mites, which can quickly turn a fresh green plant in a gray-brown monster. Copious sprinkling a few hampers the development of the pest, but for its appearance should always be carefully monitored.Common name: Penny cactus.

ЭхинокактусFamily - cactus. Homeland - Central Mexico.At home Echinocacti reach a height of 2-3 meters and the diameter is 1 m grows slowly.The stem is a globular cactus, the edges sharp high. The plant is decorated with powerful spikes of golden-yellow color. In the rare bloom indoors. The plant is widely distributed among fans. In flower shops most common E, Gruson.Accommodation. The plant contains year-round in bright, sunny and well ventilated areas. In winter, possibly lowering the temperature to 10-12 ° C. Echinocacti grow well in sunny windows and a special greenhouse for cacti.Care. In the summer of Echinocacti need plenty of water, so they need regular water and spray. With the onset of cool autumn days, watering is first reduced and then gradually ceased. If the cacti have to spend the winter in warmer areas, they watered, but very rarely. Echinocacti feed only in summer, on a monthly basis. Young plants are transplanted each year, adults -1 every 2-3 years.
Pests and diseases. The main pests - scale insects, cactus and spider kpeschi Quadraspidiotus perniciosus. With an excess of moisture the roots rot.Reproduction. Seeds.Council. In the winter, place the cactus in the dry and cool place.

ЭхинопсисFamily - cactus. Homeland - South America.This group includes the most hardy and undemanding cacti. In young plants globose stem, with age it becomes columnar, columnar. On the edges of the areola is up to 20 sharp spikes. Flowers are white, pink, red, purple, funnel-shaped length of 20 - 25 cm flower remains open for only one night - the evening is dissolved, and in the morning rose.Accommodation. Prefers sunny and bright room. In winter, the dormant plants need light and temperature of 5-10 ° C.Care. From April to September, watered Echinopsis not very often. In the same period a plant fertilizer to feed a cactus once a month. Echinopsis winter set in a bright room, and almost never watered. Transplanted annually.
Pests and diseases. For the plants are dangerous spider mites and Quadraspidiotus perniciosus. When wetting the substrate roots of the plants rot.Reproduction. Seeds, obtained with a beautiful plant with bright colored flowers.Echinopsis propagated and root suckers. Substrate should be easy designed for cacti.It can be composed of sand and leaf soil (1:1). Echinopsis are the best stocks for seedling cacti.Council. During the growing season plants need sun, water and fresh air. If the land around the cactus moist, watering is not necessary.

ЭхиноцереусFamily - cactus. Motherland - the desert plains of the south - western United States to central Mexico.This genus includes about 100 species of variety in appearance of cacti. Within the genus cereus kaktusovi are three groups:• Small plants with a cylindrical stem and thorns - scallops;• globular cacti malokolyuchie;• large, branched cactus with powerful spikes.Accommodation. Need bright light in winter and summer. Ehinotseriusy love the light and direct sunlight. Low maintenance is moderate. In the winter requires a rest period at a temperature of 10-12 ° C, at least - 8 ° C, with a dry content.
Care. In spring and summer watering is moderate, with the fall of cut, and in winter - a very rare with a cold contents. Cereus resistant to air dry. But it is useful to regular spraying with warm water from a very fine spray. From late spring to mid summer, fed a special fertilizer for cacti. Young plants are transplanted each year or a year old - 2-3 years. Soil - 1-2 of sod land, a part of the leaf, 1 part peat, 1 part sand and brick chips.Close zhinotseriusam with strong roots, the soil is needed not only loose, but also heavier, so the soil mixture for them to take a lot more clay - turf land than for smaller items.Pests and diseases. It is easily affected with red mites.Reproduction. Seeds and cuttings.Tips. cereus, like other cacti, is in need of fresh air. Therefore, in the summer to make them better in the garden or on the balcony and left there until the autumn. Laundry stays outdoors all summer, especially the tempers and strengthens the cacti, increases resistance to disease and pests.Flowering ehinotseriusov in room conditions is possible only under strict conditions, and most importantly - the bright sunshine and a cold winter without watering.

Encephalocarpus strobiliformis (Werd.) Berger.
Family: Cactaceae (cactus).Habitat: The only species of this genus is found on rocky hills of the Mexican state of Tamauliias. Plants not immediately notice a cursory inspection of the area, they reveal themselves only during flowering.Description: Rod Berger Encephalocarpus installed in 1928 for a single species, formerly known under the name AriocarpusStrobiliformis Werd. Unlike Ariocarpus (A. Kolschoubeyanus), with their flattened body shoots entsefalokarpusa spherical or ovoid covered with numerous scale-like tubercles with a keel on the bottom surface, the shape resembling the scales of cones of coniferous trees. Name of the type strobiliformis comes from the word "strobila", denoting a lump of tropical gymnosperms, a generic name suggested by the similarity with the kind of strobili Encephalartos, belonging to the family of cycads. Entsefalokarpusy reach from 3.75 to 6.25 cm in height and diameter.Scale-like tubercles sinus pubescent, thick white drooping hides and top of the plant, where there are funnel-shaped flowers that are 3.8 cm in diameter, sometimes much smaller. Perianth segments of different shades of violet-pink, lightly covered with cilia outer anthers bright yellow, contrasting with the color of the petals. Fruit small, dry, barely noticeable among the scale-like tubercles.
Culture: Grow this plant as Ariocarpus. It is easily propagated by seeds. In temperate climates in greenhouses entsefalokarpus bloom in 6-8 years after planting.Note: Room entssfalokarpusov specimens usually have an escape, but with age they begin to branch off the ground. The spines are preserved on seedlings only about a year. They are visible and at a very young sprouts.

Epiphyllum peacockii hort.
Family: Cactaceac (cactus).Habitat: It can be seen from the name, this epiphytic cactus epifillumy grow, attaching themselves to other plants, usually in the forks of branches, where the pile of rotting leaves. They are widely distributed in the tropical forests of southern Mexico, Panama, Central America, in the south come to Brazil, there are some islands of the West Indies (Trinidad and Tobago, for example).Description: In appearance reminiscent epifillumy Chiapasia nelsonii, but their flat green shoots usually grow larger and more strongly at the base of odrevesnevaet. The flowers are non-hybrid, naturally occurring plants in contrast to the photographs shown in the hybrid, large, white, with long tube, open at night. In plants, certain types of unusual structure of the stem - with deeply notched edges. The flowers of E. oxypetalum are 25 cm in length.Culture: As Chiapasia nelsonii. eiifillumy require humus-rich ground mixture, about the same care, but "wild" species often prefer to winter at about 10 ° C.Note: As a result of interbreeding, and E. E. ackermannii crenatum with Nopalxochia phvllanthoides. Heliocereus speciosus. and various selenitssrsusami hilotse-Reus received many beautiful plants with colored flowers.Common name: cactus, orchid.The hybrid produced by crossing Heliocereus speciosus and Epiphyllum ere - naium.Also known as Heliphyllum charltonii Rowl.

Эпифиллум (филлокактус)Family - cactus. Homeland - Central and South America.These cactuses, or rather the primary types of hybrids epifillumov, spread quite widely.The plant is a small shrub with large leaf-shoots. Often referred to as epifillum fillokaktusom. Grow it for the beautiful flowers, painted in almost all colors of the rainbow. Epifillumy bloom in spring and summer.Accommodation. In the summer it is desirable to make the air. In winter - be installed in a room with a temperature 5-10 ° C. They grow well on the windows of the western orientation.
Care. Epifillumy - unpretentious plants, their main demand - warm and humid atmosphere. During the period of growth and development (April - September), abundant watering is important. Sometimes it is useful to spray the plants with water at room temperature. Once a week epifillumy be fed with chemical fertilizers. In winter, needs moderate watering, feeding is not necessary. The soil for the plants should be up to - and breathable, with a high content of peat. It is best to use a substrate of bromeliads. Transplanted plants in fresh soil in the spring.Pests and diseases. The plant is suffering from the invasion of aphids, scale insects, and sometimes it is affected mealybugs. If you can start wetting the soil root rot.Reproduction. Cuttings. Places need to cut the cuttings dry for a few days.Council. In winter, the rest do not forget to ventilate the room, reduce watering. Close the pot only increases the bloom, so that the annual change is needed.

Шлюмбергера (декабрист)
Family - cactus. Homeland - Brazil.Progenitors room Schlumbergera are natural kinds: Zigokaktus (Zygocactus truncatus) and Schlumberger (Schlumbergera russeliana).• W, a truncated (Schlumbergera truncatus) - has sharp teeth along the edge of leaf-segments of stems, and flowers are two-sided - with symmetrical tapered floral tube, curved back petals, about 2.5 cm in diameter. Shades of all kinds of flowers - from white and pink to purple and violet.
• W, Buckley (Schlumbergera bucklei) - has a small light - green segments with weak protrusions at the edges. Flowers lilac - pink flowers, radially symmetrical, flowering usually occurs in November.Accommodation. Prefers a light place, light partial shade, but be sure pritenenie from direct sunlight. It grows well on the north window. Summer temperatures usual content, preferably above 25 ° C. From September to mid-November should be given a rest period at a temperature of 15-16 ° C, at least - 12 ° C. With the formation of flower buds and the beginning of flowering (from November to late January) is transferred to a warm place (about 18-20 ° C). When Schlumberger bud, rearrange it again in a cool place (15-16 ° C).Care. With the emergence of flower buds before the end of flowering copiously watered - the land must be kept moist. Then, transplant, and keep the soil moderately moist until about April. From April to September irrigation - as the soil dries. By September, cut about two months and kept in a cool and dry conditions. Fed 3 weeks after transplantation (after flowering) special complex fertilizer for cacti, every two weeks until September. Regular and periodic spraying warm shower run for the benefit of Schlumberger.Transplanted after flowering (late February). Capacity for landing and take a spacious shallow, soil - Part 1 sod land, a part of pistovoy, 1 part peat, 1 part sand and brick chips. Good drainage is required. You can use the purchase soil mix for cacti.Pests and diseases. The main pests - mites and Quadraspidiotus perniciosus. From improper care can shrink or fall off of its segments.Reproduction. Cuttings, which have 2-3 segments. Usually the cuttings root easily in any season. Cuttings after cutting a little dried and placed, not sunk, on moist soil. You can close the top of a glass jar, do not forget to periodically aired.Council. Period of active growth in Schlumbergera runs from March to August, at which time it needs: a warm content, regular spraying, uniform watering with warm soft water to the maintenance of moderate soil moisture, feeding 2 times per month.Council. The root system of the Decembrists rather weak - they do not tolerate excess moisture - it is easy to root rot and die. Damaged roots and watering with cold water.

ХатиораFamily - cactus. Homeland - Brazil.This is a close relative of Schlumbergera. In nature there are only four species of succulent epiphytes. Hatioru often confused with Schlumberger. However hatioru easily distinguished by the structure of the flower - it has a radially symmetric form of short and curved floral tube. In Schlumbergera same flower with curved floral tube. In addition, a hatiory segments more rounded shape and often have a reddish tinge.• X, Gertner (Hatiora gaertneri) blooms bright red flowers,• X, Grazvra (Hatiora graeseri) - red outside and pink on the inside of the flowers,• X, pink (Hatiora rosea) - can have flowers of various shades from pink to purple.• X, salmkorshevmdnzya - quite unlike other species, it consists of numerous branches, drooping over time, with clavate segments of about 0.5 - 1 cm thick and up to 3 cm in length. It seems that the plant is composed of small sticks. Flowering can be very abundant at this time the plant is covered with dozens of small yellow flowers that form at the ends of the shoots. Plant over the years, you may need support to shape the trees.Accommodation. Prefers a light place, light partial shade, be sure to pritenenie from direct sunlight. It grows well on the north window. Contain at moderate temperatures and cool slightly (about 18-20 ° C), from September to October, you need to provide a rest period at temperatures above 15 ° C and completely dry the contents. After flowering is also required rest period, which lasts until the end of May, with limited irrigation, and the contents cool. Winter minimum - 10 ° C.Care. With the emergence of flower buds before the end of flowering copiously watered - the land must be kept moist. During the rest period the frequency of watering depends on the temperature. Conduct periodic spraying. Hatioru fed three weeks after transplantation (early summer, after flowering) special complex fertilizer for cacti, every two weeks until the end of August.Transplanted after flowering (late February), the capacity for planting should be large and shallow. Soil - a part of the turf, a part of the leaf, 1 part peat lands, 1 part sand and brick chips. Good drainage is required. You can use the purchase soil mix for cacti.Pests and diseases. The main pests - Quadraspidiotus perniciosus, red spider mites. If the content is not a bad bloom.Reproduction. Cuttings, which have 2-3 segments. Cuttings after cutting a little dried and placed, not sunk, on moist soil. You can close the top of a glass jar, do not forget to periodically aired.Council. The root system hatiory rather weak, it does not tolerate excess moisture - it is easy to root rot and die. Damaged roots and watering with cold water.

Family - cactus. Homeland - Brazil.Ripsalidopsis - a small shrub with arched leaf-stalks. Leaves - small segments of it, a length of 1.5 - 2 cm Growing from one another, they form an arcuate shoots are grown indoors in three types: the red, pink or purple flowers. Spring bloom in two months.Spectacular in the hang-downing compositions.Accommodation. Throughout the year, plants should be in light shade or slightly warm indoors. For a better formation of flower buds on the plant two months (December - January) is set in a bright room with a temperature of not higher than 7-10 ° C and then transferred into a warm room.Care. Recommended abundant watering with water at room temperature and frequent spraying. In the cool season watering limits. In spring and summer on a monthly basis make fertilizer for cacti.Pests and diseases. The plant is subject to the invasion of aphids, scale insects, mealybugs. When excess moisture rotting the roots. If indoor air is very dry, then begin to fall off the buds.Reproduction. Grafts (segments) that, before planting for rooting, dried for several days.It is best to plant constructed in the spring.Council. The plant with buds can not rearrange to another place, as it will reset the buds and flowers.

Zygocactus truncatus.
Зигокактус (рождественский кактус)Family - cactus. Homeland - Brazil.Beautiful indoor flowering plant. Lovers of cacti can be seen more often hybrids with various colored flowers, from white to red. At home are epiphytes and grow on trees.Bloom in November - January.Accommodation. The plant prefers light, but not sunny place. In the summer, it is desirable to make the air and installed so as to be protected from direct sunlight. In the autumn (late September) the plant should be moved to a bright, cool room with a temperature of 10-12 ° C, low temperature and short day enhance the development of flower buds. As soon as they appear, the plant is transferred to a warm room with a temperature of 22 ° C, in place of the flowering period does not change.
Care. Throughout the summer, spend a moderate irrigation water at room temperature and spraying, and fed with chemical fertilizers (better than cactus) 1 every 10-15 days. In the dormant period (February - March) limit irrigation.Transplanted annually after flowering. The soil - a mixture of clay - turf, leaf compost, composted soil with a mixture of sand in the ratio 1:3:2:1.Pests and diseases. The plant is suffering from the invasion of aphids, mealybug. When excess watering is root rot.Reproduction. Cuttings or segments that need to be dry for a week.Council. Zigokaktus looks great, if it impart to the thorny Pereskia.

ДизокактусFamily - cactus. Homeland - tropical forests of South America.There are 16 species. This is - epiphytic plants with thin bush, often leaf-stems and large showy flowers.In a culture more often two types:A, Ackermann (Disocactus ackermannii) - consists of a stalk shoots remnevidnyh with scalloped edges. The bush grows up to 70 cm. The tubular flowers are about 10 cm in diameter, with a long tube, wide open, and numerous long corolla lobes. On the basis of this type displayed a lot of varieties, differing in shape, size and color of flowers.A. pletevidny (Disocactus flagellifbrmis) - Numerous long, slender stems up to 1 m long with tiny ridges covered with dense golden - yellow setiform spines. The flowers are brighttube length of up to 8 cm in diameter and 6 cmAccommodation. In winter (October - February) are kept at a temperature of 15-17 ° C and rare wateringD, Ackermann• requires frequent spraying with warm water, rubbing branches wet swab.• the period of growth - a regular fertilizing with a weak solution of complex mineral or organic fertilizers.• to create a beautiful bush should be cut at the base of the weak and damaged stems and thin shoots that appear at the endsthe branches.• during budding did not rearrange the bush, to prevent drying of the substrate in the pot.• Plants can be burnt in a strong sun.• Large branches should be tied up.• the shortage of light shoots elongated, the plant does not bloom.D, pletevidny:• the period of growth - a regular fertilizing with a weak solution of complex mineral fertilizers,• to create a beautiful bush should be cut at the base of the weak, suberized and damaged shoots and thin shoots that appear at the ends of branches,• Annual preventive spraying acaricides, since the form is particularly prone to attack the red mite,• the shortage of light shoots elongated, shallow thorns, the plant does not bloom,• can be burnt in a strong sun.Transplanted to the extent of growth (you can - every year) in the spring, in a spacious wide dish with good drainage, water with a couple of days after transplanting. Soil - a very light and friable mixture of particles with a diameter of about 1 cm, the basic components of which - garden soil, peat moss - sphagnum moss, expanded clay.Reproduction. Mostly rooting cuttings of matured, which is dried for several days and then perpetuate moist substrate.Council. Use dizokatusy as a basket plant for indoor or hothouse cultivation.